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Ukraine Frontverlauf

Russian Troops Push Into Chasiv Yar

Russian Forces Intensify Attacks in Donetsk Region

As the conflict in Ukraine continues, Russian troops have made gains in the Donetsk region, pushing into the town of Chasiv Yar. The town has been heavily damaged in the fighting, and the fighting continues.

The Ukrainian military has said that Russian forces are continuing to advance, and that they are preparing for a major offensive in the region. The Russian military has denied these claims, and said that they are only responding to Ukrainian attacks.

The fighting in the Donetsk region is part of a broader Russian offensive that began on February 24. The Russian military has made significant gains in the south and east of Ukraine, but has been met with fierce resistance from the Ukrainian military.

The war in Ukraine has caused a humanitarian crisis, with millions of people displaced and thousands killed. The international community has condemned the Russian invasion, and has imposed sanctions on Russia. The United States and other Western countries have also provided military aid to Ukraine.
